Isa Melendez, a sixth grade student at Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School, is the winner of the Hanuka Cover Contest. Her illustration with the phrase “Light in the Darkness,” in English and Hebrew, fulfills the contest’s instruction to create an artwork on a Hanuka theme. Of course, the lighting of the Hanukia on eight nights, beginning this Thursday, Dec. 10, is a central ritual of the Festival of Lights.

There were many outstanding submissions this year and picking one artwork for the cover of the Dec. 2020 special edition was a tough task. Every young artist who entered the 29th annual Hanuka Cover Contest is a winner in our book. Anyway, we’ll do it again next year and we encourage students in grades 1-8 to submit their finest creations.
If you’d like to learn more about Isa, our winner, and see smaller versions of artworks by our runners-up, click HERE.