Judy Freeman created an artwork for the United Jewish Fund and Council’s 75th anniversary celebration.
This week’s edition of the American Jewish World features a special pullout titled “Celebrating the United Jewish Fund and Council of St. Paul at 75.” The pullout was created to celebrate the work of the UJFC, which will hold its 75th annual meeting on Monday, June 7 at Beth Jacob Congregation in Mendota Heights.
The pullout features information about the history of the UJFC — from its predecessor organizations to the beneficiary agencies it serves today — as well as historical photographs and remembrances from St. Paul’s past leaders. Twin Cities businesses and individuals also purchased advertising to congratulate the UJFC on its milestone anniversary.
The UJFC’s annual meeting is free and open to the public. Dietary laws will be observed and no solicitation of funds will take place. To make a reservation by June 4, call 651-690-1707 or e-mail: dales@ujfc.org.