The American Jewish World — the biweekly newspaper of Minnesota’s Jewish community — will publish a special section, Living Green, in our March 14 edition (DOWNLOAD FLYER: Living Green e-flyer 3.14.14).
Our readers know that there’s no “Planet B” — that we are stewards of the natural world, and the way we live will affect the environment that we will pass on to future generations. Acting on that belief means recycling, retrofitting homes and buying energy efficient appliances, and shopping for organically-grown foods. We all play a part in sustaining the web of life.
The Living Green section would be a prime marketing opportunity for your business that caters to AJW readers who want to live in harmony with Mother Earth. The ad space reservation deadline is 12 pm Wednesday, March 5.
Our ad rates are economical, and advertising in the AJW reinforces whatever other media advertising you are doing with our niche audience.
You can find our ad rates and specs HERE.
For information, or to reserve an ad space in the March 14 special section, contact Mordecai Specktor at: editor [at] ajwnews [dot] com, or call 952.259.5234.