Bone marrow drives planned
Several local bone marrow drives will be held for a Jewish husband and wife from Eden Prairie who are simultaneously ...
Several local bone marrow drives will be held for a Jewish husband and wife from Eden Prairie who are simultaneously ...
Mount Zion Temple will host a “drive-thru” sukka in its parking lot at Syndicate and Summit Avenues in St. Paul. ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Clarinet virtuoso Anat Cohen, a native of Tel Aviv, Israel, returns to the Dakota Jazz Club for ...
The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem sparked an anti-Jewish pogrom in pre-state Palestine, which reverberates through history By EDWIN BLACK As Israelis ...
Since 1912 the AJW has served as an important news resource for the Jewish community. The Jewish World unites the main Jewish communities in St. Paul and Minneapolis, as well as those in Duluth, Rochester and smaller cities, and bridges the divides between the various Jewish religious streams.
The American Jewish World
3249 Hennepin Ave., Suite 245
Minneapolis, MN 55408
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