Rabbi Jesus?
An Orthodox rabbi in Israel came under verbal attack after making some laudatory comments about Jesus By MOSHE GIT Recently, Rabbi ...
An Orthodox rabbi in Israel came under verbal attack after making some laudatory comments about Jesus By MOSHE GIT Recently, Rabbi ...
Howard Zinn, an outspoken historian who influenced generations of leftist political activists, died of a heart attack Wednesday in California. ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Sam Kaplan, a prominent Minneapolis lawyer and leading DFL activist, enjoys reading the American Jewish World. However, ...
Do not stand by the blood of your fellow. — Leviticus 19:16 We know that the people of Haiti are suffering ...
"I think I did very well by Minnesota. I kept my head down and did my job," Sen. Al Franken ...
The Minnesota DFL Progressive Caucus unanimously passed "a resolution to divest from Israel bonds," according to a report on TCJewfolk.com. ...
Sarah Janacek, of Politics in Minnesota (PIM), has been talking to Minnesota Republicans and divines that "the odds on Norm ...
Israeli police questioned a prominent Reform movement activist in connection with the wearing of prayer shawls by women at the ...
Veteran concertmaster and soloist will perform with his ensemble at Beth El Synagogue By MORDECAI SPECKTOR In the latest chapter ...
In the Feb. 1, 2008, edition of the American Jewish World, I wrote about a teleconference with then-Sen. Barack Obama, ...
Since 1912 the AJW has served as an important news resource for the Jewish community. The Jewish World unites the main Jewish communities in St. Paul and Minneapolis, as well as those in Duluth, Rochester and smaller cities, and bridges the divides between the various Jewish religious streams.
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