Editorial: War of words over Jerusalem
Around the world this week, families concluded their Passover seders with the words, “Next year in Jerusalem.” The Jerusalem Post’s ...
Around the world this week, families concluded their Passover seders with the words, “Next year in Jerusalem.” The Jerusalem Post’s ...
A third of Jerusalemites, the Arab population, lives in East Jerusalem, an area not visited by Jewish Israelis or American ...
Jewish man from Plymouth files employment discrimination complaint with state agency By MORDECAI SPECKTOR A Plymouth man has filed an ...
Saadia Gelb, a pillar of Kibbutz Kfar Blum in Israel, was the forerunner for a generation of progressive Labor Zionist ...
In Jewish homes around the world on the evening of March 29, the 14th of Nisan, families will sit around ...
It was media preview day today for the extensively publicized new exhibit, The Dead Sea Scrolls: Words That Changed the World, at ...
Adath Jeshurun’s ‘Jews, Food and Planet Earth’ Synaplex Shabbat will feature environmentalist Nigel Savage When you reap the harvest of ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR In the first collaboration between Stuart Pimsler Dance and Theater and SteppingStone Theatre, choreographer and dancer Stuart ...
The sixth annual observance of anti-Israel activism, “Israeli Apartheid Week,” is in full swing in cities across the United States ...
The sixth annual observance of anti-Israel activism, "Israel Apartheid Week," is in full swing across the United States and around ...
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