On the underground scene: Di Nigunim
The San Diego-based, anarcho-klezmer punk ensemble Di Nigunim played Minneapolis this weekend, a stop in the middle of their tour ...
The San Diego-based, anarcho-klezmer punk ensemble Di Nigunim played Minneapolis this weekend, a stop in the middle of their tour ...
As the 2012 elections approach, the issue of U.S. policy toward Israel will emerge again as a partisan political football. ...
Captivating singer-songwriter will perform as a duet with trumpeter Avishai Cohen on June 14 at the Cedar By MORDECAI SPECKTOR ...
In August 2010, a delegation of American Muslim scholars and spiritual leaders toured European concentration camps. The group of men ...
United States and Israel support foundation that facilitates business collaborations By MORDECAI SPECKTOR It’s kind of like the song “Matchmaker” ...
Article in Orthodox newspaper compares local rabbi to a 'pit bull refusing to release its quarry' Agudath Israel of America ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Beth El Synagogue is getting an extreme makeover. The old activities center, which dates from the 1960s, ...
Incoming Hadassah president Marcie Natan visits Twin Cities for Upper Midwest Region conference By MORDECAI SPECKTOR The Upper Midwest Region ...
I asked the Dalai Lama a question this past weekend. Tenzin Gyatso, the man that Tibetans refer to as His ...
Rep. Steve Simon, DFL-St. Louis Park, delivered some low-key comments during the Monday meeting of the Minnesota House of Representatives ...
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