Editorial: War and Peace in 2014
What will the year 2014 hold in store? In the past I’ve attributed the following quotation to Yogi Berra, the ...
What will the year 2014 hold in store? In the past I’ve attributed the following quotation to Yogi Berra, the ...
As an idealistic young teenager, I got involved in the Civil Rights movement by selling brotherhood buttons (depicting a black ...
Although many jazz fans don’t even know his name, Marty Ehrlich is a composer and musician of rare gifts, in ...
This weekend, Nov. 9-10, marks the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the “Night of Broken Glass,” when the Nazis staged an ...
Peter Himmelman’s creativity seminar, Big Muse, is open to all on Nov. 17 in Minneapolis By MORDECAI SPECKTOR The traditional ...
After a brief recent theatrical run, The Attack (Cohen Media Group) is available for home viewing on DVD and Blu-ray. ...
Adam Heffez, who has written a book about graffiti in Israel and the West Bank, will kick off Culture Blvd ...
At six-foot-three, she towers above all of the other Jewish lesbian comics By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Perhaps you’ve noticed that there ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR At Ken Tilsen’s funeral on Sept. 4 at Temple of Aaron Cemetery in Roseville, a large crowd ...
In the Ma’ariv service, there is the Hashkiveinu prayer, the second blessing after the Shema. In this prayer, we beseech ...
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