New box set hits high notes of Mike Bloomfield’s career
The musical career of a great Chicago bluesman is surveyed in a new package of three CDs and a DVD ...
The musical career of a great Chicago bluesman is surveyed in a new package of three CDs and a DVD ...
In his first feature film, director Yuval Adler creates a wrenching tale of compromised lives in Israeli-Palestinian conflict zone Reviewed ...
Many Jewish World readers are descendants of immigrants from Ukraine. Three of my four grandparents came from Ukraine — Kiev ...
Hany Abu-Assad vies for Oscar gold with a suspenseful story about a young Palestinian caught in a vise between Israel ...
The well-traveled and acclaimed klezmer band returns to Minnesota for shows in Rochester and Minneapolis By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Itzhak Perlman, ...
The big football news, post-Super Bowl, is that Missouri All-American defensive end Michael Sam is gay. "I am an openly, ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Growing up in St. Louis Park, Sharon Isbin had a passion for model rocketry. When the Jewish ...
An epochal event in American culture will be marked in about a week: the 50th anniversary of The Beatles’ appearance ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Two Israelis charged with multiple felony counts of unlawfully employing young Israelis at a Mall of America ...
In early December 2001, I traveled to Israel with 107 other Jewish Twin Citians on a federation-sponsored “solidarity mission.” It ...
Since 1912 the AJW has served as an important news resource for the Jewish community. The Jewish World unites the main Jewish communities in St. Paul and Minneapolis, as well as those in Duluth, Rochester and smaller cities, and bridges the divides between the various Jewish religious streams.
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