Twin Citians remember the Shoah
The 2014 Twin Cities Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) Commemoration took place Sunday night at Temple of Aaron Synagogue in ...
The 2014 Twin Cities Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) Commemoration took place Sunday night at Temple of Aaron Synagogue in ...
Marking 10 years of recording and performing success, the Idan Raichel Project schedules a St. Paul concert By MORDECAI SPECKTOR ...
We have some news about Israel in this edition of the Jewish World, ahead of the observance of Yom HaZikaron, ...
“A Bintel Brief” (Yiddish for “A Bundle of Letters”) was the popular advice column that began running, in 1906, in ...
Photo: Karlien Du Plessis/Dreamstime Stock Photos The American Jewish World — the newspaper of Minnesota's Jewish community — will publish a ...
Israeli anthropologist Smadar Lavie returns to Minnesota to speak about her new book on Mizrachi mothers versus the bureaucracy By ...
An architect of the 1993 Oslo Accords spoke at Mount Zion on behalf of J Street, the ‘pro-Israel, pro-peace’ lobby ...
Slaves is what we were — slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt. And wrested free, were we, by the Lord God-of-Us, ...
German restaurant will no longer cater to group of World War II re-enactors dressed in Nazi garb By MORDECAI SPECKTOR ...
David Broza gathered a cast of talented Israeli and Palestinian musicians, along with some special guests, to create musical magic ...
Since 1912 the AJW has served as an important news resource for the Jewish community. The Jewish World unites the main Jewish communities in St. Paul and Minneapolis, as well as those in Duluth, Rochester and smaller cities, and bridges the divides between the various Jewish religious streams.
The American Jewish World
3249 Hennepin Ave., Suite 245
Minneapolis, MN 55408
Tel: 612.824.0030 / Fax: 612.823.0753