Editorial: A sermon not about Israel
In the way of review, in the previous AJW editorial, I mentioned that over “many years, epochal historical events have ...
In the way of review, in the previous AJW editorial, I mentioned that over “many years, epochal historical events have ...
Leigh Silverman talks to the AJW about directing The Heidi Chronicles at the Guthrie By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Playwright Wendy Wasserstein ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR David Weiss, a talented jazz trumpeter, composer, arranger and bandleader, is back in New York City, after ...
On Rosh Hashana it is inscribed, And on Yom Kippur it is sealed. How many shall pass away and how ...
Renowned singer-songwriter returns Sept. 14 to headline Herzl Camp’s ‘Music & Musings’ event By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Peter Himmelman understands that ...
The Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas (JCRC) issued a press release on Aug. 6, which congratulated ...
Rabbi Aaron Weininger, of Adath Jeshurun Congregation, called me early last week. He was in Jerusalem, with a Rabbinical Assembly ...
Trumpeter Steven Bernstein returns to Minneapolis on Aug. 6, for a show at the Dakota with Billy Martin’s Wicked Knee ...
As AJW readers might recall, I was in Israel last summer. For more than a week — in Jerusalem, Tel ...
Renowned guitarist Jorma Kaukonen returns to Minneapolis with his Hot Tuna mates for two nights this month By MORDECAI SPECKTOR ...
Since 1912 the AJW has served as an important news resource for the Jewish community. The Jewish World unites the main Jewish communities in St. Paul and Minneapolis, as well as those in Duluth, Rochester and smaller cities, and bridges the divides between the various Jewish religious streams.
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