Editorial: Say Kaddish for George Floyd
It was another eventful month in the Twin Cities. They just keep happening. The news in April was dominated by ...
It was another eventful month in the Twin Cities. They just keep happening. The news in April was dominated by ...
When I interviewed Jacob Frey in the fall of 2017, he was a candidate for Minneapolis mayor. I asked the ...
Jewish World readers are a group that skews older, as they say. So, I’m assuming that many readers have received ...
By DORIS RUBENSTEIN American Jewish World readers who are also classical music aficionados already know that world-renowned classical guitarist Sharon ...
We’re looking for colorful drawings by budding artists to feature on the cover of our Hanuka special edition on Dec. ...
By STEPHEN SILVER (JTA) — In the late 1960s, when Neal Karlen was not even 10 years old, he would ...
Reviewed by NEAL GENDLER Bipolar disorder isn't funny — not for those afflicted by it nor for those around the ...
The end of the Hebrew year 5780 (the year 2020 by the Gregorian calendar) packed a wallop. We experienced life ...
By DORIS RUBENSTEIN It’s a challenge for any new rabbi to take over from the “founding rabbi” of an established ...
By PENINA BEEDE (JTA) — Here’s a bit of news that has flown under the radar: Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey ...
Since 1912 the AJW has served as an important news resource for the Jewish community. The Jewish World unites the main Jewish communities in St. Paul and Minneapolis, as well as those in Duluth, Rochester and smaller cities, and bridges the divides between the various Jewish religious streams.
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