Upcoming: The Idan Raichel Project, May 14
Idan Raichel Israeli music luminary Idan Raichel talked with the American Jewish World this week, via telephone from his home ...
Idan Raichel Israeli music luminary Idan Raichel talked with the American Jewish World this week, via telephone from his home ...
German restaurant will no longer cater to group of World War II re-enactors dressed in Nazi garb By MORDECAI SPECKTOR ...
“Kabbalah and the Power of Dreaming Workshop,” led by Dr. Catherine Shainberg, will take place March 28-30 in Room E1220 ...
AJW Staff Report Gasthof Zur Gemutlichkeit, a popular German restaurant in northeast Minneapolis, hosted a Christmas party for a group ...
Pamela Gaard’s Shalom/Nabad exhibit serves as a bridge to connect with those in the Minneapolis Somali community By DORIS RUBENSTEIN ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Growing up in St. Louis Park, Sharon Isbin had a passion for model rocketry. When the Jewish ...
In the AJW this week, Michael Fox reviews Zaytoun, the new film from director Eran Riklis. Zaytoun is set "at ...
St. Louis Park native David Goldstein’s play, Skiing on Broken Glass, opens Oct. 29 By JOEL RIPPEL Like most playwrights, ...
Retired businessman working to keep school ‘first-class’ By JOEL RIPPEL Minneapolis Southwest High School has changed since Harvey Feldman graduated. ...
Adam Heffez, who has written a book about graffiti in Israel and the West Bank, will kick off Culture Blvd ...
Since 1912 the AJW has served as an important news resource for the Jewish community. The Jewish World unites the main Jewish communities in St. Paul and Minneapolis, as well as those in Duluth, Rochester and smaller cities, and bridges the divides between the various Jewish religious streams.
The American Jewish World
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Minneapolis, MN 55408
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