JTA: Woman wearing tallit arrested at Western Wall
Jerusalem police arrested a woman praying at the Western Wall for wearing a tallit, according to JTA. The woman, who ...
Jerusalem police arrested a woman praying at the Western Wall for wearing a tallit, according to JTA. The woman, who ...
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs issued a statement on Tuesday expressing official disapproval of plans to build 900 additional units ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Nearly 50 years before the United States elected a Black president, Zev Aelony dedicated himself to the ...
Minnesotans attend J Street gathering in Washington, D.C. J Street, the new kid on the American pro-Israel advocacy block, recently ...
Yaakov Teitel admitted to planting pipe bomb that wounded left-wing professor Ze'ev Sternhell last year With the recent lifting of ...
The quest for Israeli-Palestinian peace was not interrupted by the Rabin assassination, nor was the late prime minister the personification ...
The New York Times sports story began: "So a basketball coach, an N.B.A. referee and a rabbi walk onto the court at ...
Iran has sufficient fissionable material to develop a nuclear weapon and a long-range missile to send that weapon almost anywhere ...
While mulling over plans to expand the U.S. role in the Afghanistan war, President Barack Obama woke up today to ...
JTA reported on Wednesday that the Obama administration would quash action on the Goldstone report, which found both Hamas and ...
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