’Echoes of the Holocaust’ to have world premiere in Minneapolis
By DORIS RUBENSTEIN Steven Katz, artistic director of Legacy Theatre Company, is concerned that not only are there Holocaust deniers ...
By DORIS RUBENSTEIN Steven Katz, artistic director of Legacy Theatre Company, is concerned that not only are there Holocaust deniers ...
By ELANA WARREN / Assistant Editor “I enjoy every minute of life,” Dr. Robert O. Fisch told the Minnesota Daily ...
Reviewed by NEAL GENDLER David Baddiel says that among typical progressives whose hearts bleed for every oppressed minority, Jews don’t ...
By DORIS RUBENSTEIN Holocaust art is not a very popular genre. Do you really want a graphic drawing of a ...
We couldn’t get out of January without one more publicized kerfuffle over antisemitism. Of course, the main outrage last month ...
The Joseph ibn Shoshan Synagogue, Toledo, Spain (ca. 1180), is a “rare and extraordinary example of a five-aisled synagogue,” according ...
Reviewed by SHEILA WILENSKY Jane Yolen is a creative and prolific author of more than 400 books. As a former ...
By PHILISSA CRAMER (JTA) — Teachers in a Texas school district were told last week that a new state law ...
By ELANA WARREN / Assistant Editor The Polish girl who narrowly escaped death multiple times during the Shoah went on ...
It was another eventful month in the Twin Cities. They just keep happening. The news in April was dominated by ...
Since 1912 the AJW has served as an important news resource for the Jewish community. The Jewish World unites the main Jewish communities in St. Paul and Minneapolis, as well as those in Duluth, Rochester and smaller cities, and bridges the divides between the various Jewish religious streams.
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