Bob Dylan festival returns to St. Louis Park
After a year’s hiatus, an annual tribute to Bob Dylan returns. At 6:30 p.m. July 29 at Wolfe Park in ...
After a year’s hiatus, an annual tribute to Bob Dylan returns. At 6:30 p.m. July 29 at Wolfe Park in ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Tamar Eisenman has been going to jazz shows around New York City. The Israeli singer-songwriter has visited ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR A theme running through many music biz memoirs is internecine rivalry. Put another way, band members occasionally ...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR A playful trailer for Al Milgrom’s new film, The Dinkytown Uprising, begins with a dramatic trumpet fanfare ...
Bob Dylan’s music made headlines earlier this month when Columbia Records/Legacy Recordings released The Basement Tapes Complete: The Bootleg Series ...
Bill Savran is promoting his photos from Dinkytown and the historic preservation movement By MORDECAI SPECKTOR The “Dinkytown Reunion,” a ...
Renowned singer-songwriter returns Sept. 14 to headline Herzl Camp’s ‘Music & Musings’ event By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Peter Himmelman understands that ...
Trumpeter Steven Bernstein returns to Minneapolis on Aug. 6, for a show at the Dakota with Billy Martin’s Wicked Knee ...
The musical career of a great Chicago bluesman is surveyed in a new package of three CDs and a DVD ...
Described by Variety as “an icon of free-speech radio,” Jewish radio personality Bob Fass revolutionized the FM airwaves in the ...
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