Eva Krause, amiable Shoah survivor, dies at 97
By ELANA WARREN / Assistant Editor Eva Krause’s children remember her for her “generous heart, her vibrant energy and her...
By ELANA WARREN / Assistant Editor Eva Krause’s children remember her for her “generous heart, her vibrant energy and her...
In the Feb. 27 edition of The New Yorker, Ruth Margalit, a former member of the magazine’s editorial staff, profiled...
Reviewed by NEAL GENDLER Most adult Jews likely know about Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who with associates saved thousands...
By MORDECAI SPECKTOR Among the many great musicians to come out of the Twin Cities in recent decades, few are...
Reviewed by NEAL GENDLER For understandable reasons Sam is not a happy girl, so Allegra Goodman’s very engaging Sam is...
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