Uriel Heilman posted the animated short (below) on “The Telegraph,” his JTA blog. Titled “Closed Zone,” the 90-second short was created by Yoni Goodman, the animator for Waltz with Bashir, the Israeli documentary that that was in the Oscar running this year for best foreign language film.
Goodman created the short about the closure of Gaza for Gisha, an Israeli non-profit organization, founded in 2005, “whose goal is to protect the freedom of movement of Palestinians, especially Gaza residents. Gisha promotes rights guaranteed by international and Israeli law.”
In the increasingly heated debate over Israel’s recent war in Gaza, it is often pointed out, by pro-Israel activists, that Israel completely withdrew its settlements and soldiers from Gaza in 2005. However, Israeli maintained control of Gaza’s sea and land borders, effectively bottling up Gaza’s residents and strangling the economy of the densely populated Strip.