Our Father, Our King! Send complete healing to the sick among Your people. —Avinu Malkeinu We have entered uncharted territory...
It’s been fascinating to watch local TV news programs examining the upsurge in violent anti-Semitic acts — most recently, attacks...
(Editor’s note: We’re pleased to publish this debut column by Adrian Glass-Moore, the Jewish World’s assistant editor. Adrian, 27, is...
On June 24, I drove from my home in South Minneapolis across the river to Highland Park, the St. Paul...
London’s skyline has changed dramatically over recent years; as foreign capital has poured in, glass and steel skyscrapers rise everywhere....
Our family Kabbalat Shabbat tradition includes candle lighting, of course, and then wishing everyone “Shabbat Shalom.” I add, “May the...
I had last talked with Rabbi Jonathan Perlman, in the fall of 2010, for a Jewish World story. It was...
Beginning with the March 8 edition, the American Jewish World will be published monthly. On April 5, we will publish...
“The United States is built upon the principles and ideals of equality, justice and tolerance. It is one of the...
As we work to compete this edition of the Jewish World, we share feelings of grief, anger and confusion with...
Since 1912 the AJW has served as an important news resource for the Jewish community. The Jewish World unites the main Jewish communities in St. Paul and Minneapolis, as well as those in Duluth, Rochester and smaller cities, and bridges the divides between the various Jewish religious streams.
The American Jewish World
3249 Hennepin Ave., Suite 245
Minneapolis, MN 55408
Tel: 612.824.0030 / Fax: 612.823.0753