Jewish Luck: A True Story of Friendship, Deception, and Risky Business, by Leslie Levine Adler and Meryll Levine Page, Salt...
Prodded by her young granddaughter’s questions, Dounia Cohen tells an affecting story of how her childhood changed in 1942, when...
Composer Marvin Hamlisch (1944-2012) earned four Grammys, four Emmys, three Oscars, three Golden Globes, a Tony Award and a Pulitzer...
Winning Isn’t Everything: Stories, Poems, Essays, Sermons, by Gerald M. Siegel, Morton Publishing trade paperback, 267 pages, $15.95. Reviewed by...
Although many jazz fans don’t even know his name, Marty Ehrlich is a composer and musician of rare gifts, in...
Beloved musical's run has been extended through Feb. 22 By JOEL RIPPEL Since first appearing on Broadway in 1964, Fiddler...
Don’t miss Words By: Ira Gershwin and the Great American Songbook, by Joe Vass, onstage at Park Square Theatre Reviewed...
An exhibit of original art by Susan Weinberg will be will be shown from 2-3:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 15, at...
A release party for Matthew Levitt’s new CD will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 22 at Zeke’s Unchained...
Park Square Theater presents Words By... Ira Gershwin and the Great American Songbook, which runs through Dec. 29. This is...
Since 1912 the AJW has served as an important news resource for the Jewish community. The Jewish World unites the main Jewish communities in St. Paul and Minneapolis, as well as those in Duluth, Rochester and smaller cities, and bridges the divides between the various Jewish religious streams.
The American Jewish World
3249 Hennepin Ave., Suite 245
Minneapolis, MN 55408
Tel: 612.824.0030 / Fax: 612.823.0753