Sapiens: A Graphic History: The Birth of Humankind (Vol. 1), by Yuval Noah Harari, David Vandermeulen and Daniel Casanave, Harper...
Reviewed by NEAL GENDLER Combatting anti-Semitism on U.S. college campuses requires distinguishing protected hateful free speech from illegal behavior and...
By STEPHEN SILVER (JTA) — In the late 1960s, when Neal Karlen was not even 10 years old, he would...
Reviewed by NEAL GENDLER Bipolar disorder isn't funny — not for those afflicted by it nor for those around the...
Reviewed by NEAL GENDLER Eshkol Nevo's writer protagonist has been diagnosed as suffering from dysthymia, but that feeling of chronic...
AJW Staff Report In explaining how to use his new cookbook, award-winning food writer Michael Aaron Gardiner points out: "My...
Reviewed by NEAL GENDLER Even the Nazis were surprised at how quickly and easily they took over Germany. In Hitler’s...
Reviewed by LISA WALKER Growing up as a young Jewish girl in the 1970s, I looked forward to the Purim...
Reviewed by NEAL GENDLER It was his waking thought many mornings: “Something is wrong. There is trouble. I am in...
Reviewed by NEAL GENDLER When Jews were dispersed among the nations and defenseless, they were easy to blame for their...
Since 1912 the AJW has served as an important news resource for the Jewish community. The Jewish World unites the main Jewish communities in St. Paul and Minneapolis, as well as those in Duluth, Rochester and smaller cities, and bridges the divides between the various Jewish religious streams.
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