Display Advertising Rates for Print Edition
(All Rates Are Net)
Contract Rate Per Column Inc
12 times in one year $10.00
8 times in one year $10.50
4 times (within 4 months) $11.00
OPEN RATE $12.00
All first-time advertisers must prepay
Additional Fees:
- 4-color: $150
- Inserts: $70 per thousand, available full or partial consecutive distribution, minimum 2K.
- Page Preference: $50
Mechanical Data:
5 columns to the page, each 1-7/8” (11.5 picas) wide
2 columns, 4” (24 picas)
3 columns, 6” (36.5 picas)
4 columns, 8” (48 picas)
Full Page, 16” (96 picas) deep by 10-1/4” (61.5 picas) wide, 80 column inches
- Camera-ready ads should be e-mailed in high-resolution PDF format to: news@ajwnews.com
- Ads are sold by the column inch, in half-inch increments
- Minimum ad size is 4 column inches; special advertising sections minimum is 6 column inches
Publication and Deadline Information:
The American Jewish World is published monthly (12 issues and an annual Community Guide), with display advertising deadline 12 p.m. Wednesday, nine days prior to publication date (first Friday of the month).
General Policies and Terms:
Acceptance of advertisers and of copy is subject to the approval of the editor. The editor reserves the right to refuse any advertising copy. The American Jewish World must be notified within seven days of first publication date of any error in an advertisement. Failure to do so will result in forfeit of and claim for credit or adjustment.
The liability of the editor for failure to publish an advertisement for any reason in the issue specified shall be limited to publishing the advertisement in a subsequent issue (at regular rates).
Advertisers and agencies forwarding orders to the editor which contain incorrect rates or conditions are advised that the advertising called for will be inserted and charged at the regular schedule of rates and conditions in force at that time.
The word “advertisement” may be inserted above any copy at option of editor. The American Jewish World reserves the right to charge advertisers for what it considers excessive production requirements.
Any unfilled contracts will be subject to adjustment. Statements are rendered the end of the month following insertion. All rates are net 15 days.
For questions about advertising in the AJW, contact Mordecai Specktor at 612.824.0030 or e-mail: editor [at] ajwnews [dot] com
Here is a link to a PDF version of the advertising rates and specifications.
And here is the 2024 AJW editorial calendar (click to view and download): 2025 AJW Special Editions
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