A St. Paul Community Planning panel, titled “Strengthen Jewish Education: Find and Implement Effective Models for Today’s World,” will take place 4 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, April 17 in the Veterans’ Room at the St. Paul JCC, 1375 St. Paul Ave.
This panel will be comprised of rabbis and lay leaders from Beth Jacob Congregation, Mount Zion Temple, Temple of Aaron Synagogue, the JCC and the Talmud Torah of St. Paul.
Over the past year, the panelists have researched eighth to 12th grade education programs in St. Paul, Minneapolis and other communities, with the ultimate goal of making a recommendation for an eighth to 12th grade program in St. Paul with a start date no sooner than 2017.
Feedback is encouraged from parents, students, educators and other members of the St. Paul community.
Registration is encouraged to ensure enough facilitators; email David Milavetz at: davidmilavetz@gmail.com. Community members are welcome even if they are unable to RSVP.