Fitness and wellness innovator Frederick Schjang will present “Change Your Age with Feldenkrais: Awareness Through Movement” 6:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 16 at the St. Paul JCC, 1375 St. Paul Ave.
Schjang’s classes are a series of easy-to-follow lessons, which can be incorporated into a daily routine and require no special athletic ability. Many people feel more limber and free of aches and pains once they incorporate Schjang’s teachings.
Additionally, movement teachers, trainers and coaches will find professional value in experiencing Schjang’s unique approach to teaching movement.
Schjang is the first nationally recognized instructor invited to teach under the auspices of a new partnership between Twin Cities Feldenkrais and the St. Paul JCC.
The cost is $25 for members before Jan. 2 and $30 for members after Jan. 2, and $35 for nonmembers. Advance registration is required; call 651-698-0751. For information, visit: