Director Tony Gatlif (Latcho Drom) tells the story of a Roma (Gypsy) family trying to maintain their nomadic lifestyle in occupied France during World War II in Korkoro (Lorber Films), a fictional narrative film based on actual events. Korkoro will be available on DVD June 14 for home viewing. Although a thin plot hardly captures the fraught times under the Vichy regime, a marvelous cast, including the wild man Taloche (James Thiérrée), and an infectious musical soundtrack keep things moving along. There are echoes of the destruction of European Jewry — when Taloche finds a pocket watch with Hebrew letters on its face on the railroad tracks — but the Nazis also were brutal in their depredations against Europe’s wandering minority, killing more than a quarter million Gypsies. — M.S.
(American Jewish World, 6.10.11)
Here is the trailer: