Want to see YOUR artwork on the cover of the American Jewish World? It’s time to get out those markers!
We’re looking for colorful drawings by budding artists to feature on the cover of our Hanuka special edition on Dec. 6. We will choose one drawing from a student in 1st through 8th grades. Drawings should be visual representations of the meaning of Hanuka.
Submission deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 27.
For details click HERE.
Each submission must be marked on the back with the child’s full name, grade, school, parent’s name, address and phone number.

This contest is open to all students attending 1st through 8th grades.
Artwork will not be returned and will become the property of American Jewish World.
Please send your entries to: AJW Cover Art, 3249 Hennepin Ave. S., Suite 245, Minneapolis, MN 55408
REMINDER: Artwork should be in a VERTICAL format.