At a congregational meeting July 1, members of Bnai Emet in St. Louis Park voted overwhelmingly to seek a merger with another Conservative synagogue (6-25-10 AJW).
Apparently, Beth El Synagogue in St. Louis Park, which has made some overtures to Bnai Emet leaders, is prominent on the list of potential merger partners.
“Beth El is really the only congregation that came forward and opened their arms,” Adeel Saad, president of Bnai Emet, told the Jewish World this week.
He said that his comments should not be construed as an official position favoring Beth El over other possible merger candidates.
Bnai Emet will begin seriously exploring a merger with another Conservative shul.
Bnai Emet’s merger committee will now take a “more serious” look at the options available, according to Saad.
As in a previous interview, Saad emphasized that High Holiday services this year “will definitely be taking place” at the synagogue on Ottawa Avenue and Highway 7.
“We’re not going to be rushing ourselves into any quick decisions,” said Saad. “We’ll keep asking the congregation for their input and their feedback.”
Saad did not want to comment on any issues regarding the disposition of the Bnai Emet building and land. He did mention that, given the state of the real estate market, this is probably not a good time to put the property up for sale.
Participants in the July 1 meeting were respectful of differing points of view, said Saad, who characterized the exchanges as “positive” and “friendly.”
“People just presented their points of view… and opinions about merging and moving,” he said.
(American Jewish World, 7.9.10)